The Band of My Teenagehood Forever and Always: Bright Eyes.

I was 13, a year into teenagehood, past the ripeness of 12 and not yet the comfortableness of 15 when I had first heard of Bright Eyes. I was reading a sister-owned dog-eared copy of Memoirs of A Teenage Amnesiac (one of my favourite books to date) by Gabrielle Zevin. And it was through the character … More The Band of My Teenagehood Forever and Always: Bright Eyes.


So, the reason I’ve decided to start blogging is in attempt to be less passive and to actually try and make a difference. Yeah, I know, how is writing supposed to make a difference? You’re not out there protesting, fighting, doing something really active. But hey, writing can help! This is an attempt to try and make … More Introduction.